Why choose QB cert to conduct an ISO 13485:2016 (MDMS) certification audit?

ISO 13485 certification enables organizations to enhance their performance, improve service quality, and gain a competitive edge when bidding for contracts. By successfully completing an audit against the ISO 13485 standard, organizations can:
  1. ISO 13485 certification enhances regulatory compliance
  2. improves product quality and safety, increases market opportunities
  3. increases market opportunities
  4. enhances customer confidence.
  5. streamlines processes and efficiency
  6. encourages continuous improvement.

What is the ISO 13485:2016 (MDMS) standard?

ISO 13485:2018 Quality Management ISO 13485 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for a quality management system (QMS) for organizations involved in the design, development, production, installation, and servicing of medical devices. It outlines the criteria that organizations must meet to demonstrate their ability to consistently produce medical devices that meet customer and regulatory requirements. The primary focus of ISO 13485 is to ensure the effectiveness of the QMS in meeting the specific needs of the medical device industry and to ensure compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. The standard takes into account the entire lifecycle of a medical device, from design and development to production, installation, and post-market activities.

Here are some key aspects and requirements of ISO 13485:

  1. Documented Quality Management System: Organizations need to establish and maintain a documented QMS that defines the processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving quality objectives. The QMS should be tailored to the organization’s specific operations and comply with the requirements of ISO 13485.
  2. Management Responsibility: Top management must demonstrate leadership and commitment to the QMS. This includes establishing a quality policy, conducting management reviews, providing adequate resources, and ensuring the QMS is communicated and understood throughout the organization.
  3. Resource Management: Organizations must determine and provide the necessary resources, including personnel, infrastructure, and work environment, to support the operation and effectiveness of the QMS.
  4. Product Realization: This section addresses the processes involved in the design, development, and production of medical devices. It includes requirements for design and development planning, risk management, verification and validation activities, and design transfer to manufacturing.
  5. Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement: The standard emphasizes the importance of monitoring and measuring performance to ensure compliance with quality objectives. Organizations must establish processes for monitoring customer satisfaction, conducting internal audits, and implementing corrective and preventive actions. They are also required to maintain records to demonstrate conformity to the standard.
  6. Regulatory Compliance: ISO 13485 places significant emphasis on meeting regulatory requirements specific to the medical device industry. Organizations must establish processes to identify, understand, and comply with applicable regulations and legal obligations.
ISO 13485 is widely recognized and accepted as a benchmark for quality management in the medical device industry. By implementing this standard, organizations can enhance their ability to consistently provide safe and effective medical devices, meet customer expectations, and comply with regulatory requirements.


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